Sunday, September 16, 2007

Masters Predicament

Nit-picking ahead!

An idea I had to help stage the progression of the story was to make it so the Master is actually desperately researching the access-spells/passwords to the portals that lead to the elements. At the beginning, he only knows the one to Air, which is why it is accessed first. By the time Air has been recovered, he has deciphered the one's for Earth and Water. And once Isis has got those as well, he has finally uncovered the password to Fire.

This structure controls the access to areas and directs them to the levels they are capable of currently doing.

However, this takes out the need for the elements to be placed on the altar, it's more like he's absorbing them one by one.

I vote for the final showdown to be in the altar room. Having become too impatient to wait for Isis' return, despite his weak body(?) meets her there and steals it from her. Muahahahetc.

I have a feeling I've written this somewhere else. But just wanted to make sure everyone could tell me what they think...? Well? Whatchu tink?

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