Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Story and extra plot needed.

Hi guys.

I'm still working on the level, and have now made it so Isis has access to 3 houses (one includes a shop with upstars locked spooky door..) and a mill (storage rooms which has a corpse with the skeleton key for the grave yard) and ofcourse theres a small mausoleum in the graveyard. The other three areas need to have some significance. 

HouseA: small house.
HouseB: small house.
HouseC: has a shop area belwo and a locked door upstairs (with possible noises comnig from behind)
Mill: storage room, included zombie/corpe with the 'skeleton key' to grave yard.
Mausoleum: not sure yet?

Even if its something small. Like ganing an extra (specia)l item (unless she had to many of them) or even finding a book with a story in it, someones journal. Otherwise these rooms can be used for finding items... Just thought I'd see what you guys think might work.

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