The first part on the earth level where Isis meets the drows and elfs. She can choose whom she wants to help I understand? I must admit I am alittle confused with the rest haha..sorry Vic. I did look at the flow chart but it couldn't really help me further with out knowing what was happening already. From what I understood from others is that the elves when helped tell Isis of three animals through some sort of riddle who then tell her where to find the element? Think this needs to be simplified alittle, mainly because this could all be explained that the master has already set her on track in that world in that specific location with all this in mind... just to simplify things alittle?? Think as a genral rule all of us need to keep the character between 1-4 at absolute most.
Hmm..enough for now... part b of map still to be continued.
Bec if I cant finish it will you?? Just giving heads up... But will try to myself first.
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