Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Teleport to evil alter room
//Put this script OnClose
void main()
object oPC = GetLastClosedBy();
if (!GetIsPC(oPC)) return;
int DoOnce = GetLocalInt(oPC, GetTag(OBJECT_SELF));
if (DoOnce==TRUE) return;
SetLocalInt(oPC, GetTag(OBJECT_SELF), TRUE);
object oTarget;
location lTarget;
oTarget = GetWaypointByTag("evilaltarroom");
lTarget = GetLocation(oTarget);
//only do the jump if the location is valid.
//though not flawless, we just check if it is in a valid area.
//the script will stop if the location isn't valid - meaning that
//nothing put after the teleport will fire either.
//the current location won't be stored, either
if (GetAreaFromLocation(lTarget)==OBJECT_INVALID) return;
AssignCommand(oPC, ClearAllActions());
DelayCommand(3.0, AssignCommand(oPC, ActionJumpToLocation(lTarget)));
oTarget = oPC;
//Visual effects can't be applied to waypoints, so if it is a WP
//the VFX will be applied to the WP's location instead
int nInt;
nInt = GetObjectType(oTarget);
if (nInt != OBJECT_TYPE_WAYPOINT) ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, EffectVisualEffect(VFX_IMP_UNSUMMON), oTarget);
else ApplyEffectAtLocation(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, EffectVisualEffect(VFX_IMP_UNSUMMON), GetLocation(oTarget));
void main()
object oPC = GetLastClosedBy();
if (!GetIsPC(oPC)) return;
int DoOnce = GetLocalInt(oPC, GetTag(OBJECT_SELF));
if (DoOnce==TRUE) return;
SetLocalInt(oPC, GetTag(OBJECT_SELF), TRUE);
object oTarget;
location lTarget;
oTarget = GetWaypointByTag("evilaltarroom");
lTarget = GetLocation(oTarget);
//only do the jump if the location is valid.
//though not flawless, we just check if it is in a valid area.
//the script will stop if the location isn't valid - meaning that
//nothing put after the teleport will fire either.
//the current location won't be stored, either
if (GetAreaFromLocation(lTarget)==OBJECT_INVALID) return;
AssignCommand(oPC, ClearAllActions());
DelayCommand(3.0, AssignCommand(oPC, ActionJumpToLocation(lTarget)));
oTarget = oPC;
//Visual effects can't be applied to waypoints, so if it is a WP
//the VFX will be applied to the WP's location instead
int nInt;
nInt = GetObjectType(oTarget);
if (nInt != OBJECT_TYPE_WAYPOINT) ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, EffectVisualEffect(VFX_IMP_UNSUMMON), oTarget);
else ApplyEffectAtLocation(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, EffectVisualEffect(VFX_IMP_UNSUMMON), GetLocation(oTarget));
try this Corring
In your NPC's dialogue file, go to the very first line where he starts his dialogue with the PC. If you only want him to start this with any given PC once, add the following script into 'Actions Taken':
void main()
SetLocalInt(GetPCSpeaker(), "Dlg_Init_" + GetTag(OBJECT_SELF), TRUE);
In your NPC's dialogue file, go to the very first line where he starts his dialogue with the PC. If you only want him to start this with any given PC once, add the following script into 'Actions Taken':
void main()
SetLocalInt(GetPCSpeaker(), "Dlg_Init_" + GetTag(OBJECT_SELF), TRUE);
Monday, October 22, 2007
How to end the game on a movie
I made the tail end of the conversation trigger the ending movie.
void main()
Now, how to do the in-game movie... D: I dunno yet.
void main()
Now, how to do the in-game movie... D: I dunno yet.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Thursday, October 18, 2007
DVD Cover
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Oh and another thing....
You know how I said we could put maps into the final presentation box as a "bonus".
I was thinking what I'll do instead of Mish having to redo her fire map, is say do one of the water level (which hasn't changed as drastically) and then use a few of Bec's pics (like character cards).
Not a high priority I know but wanna print them out on Fri at work to save us all some moolah!
I was thinking what I'll do instead of Mish having to redo her fire map, is say do one of the water level (which hasn't changed as drastically) and then use a few of Bec's pics (like character cards).
Not a high priority I know but wanna print them out on Fri at work to save us all some moolah!
My To Do List
- Do the journal entries for the script - will get that definitely done by Thursday
- Do the powerpoint for the presentation
- Do the DVD cover
- Do the voiceovers for the cutscene.
- Make sure everyone on track
So, yeah let me know if you're having issues. Has anyone heard back from Brendan.
So are we coming over here Sunday? I've pretty much cleared the whole weekend to work on stuff so we can work on stuff Sat/Sun day/nights. We can send Martin out for any supplies we need. Lemme know so I can tidy up the study. Properly looks like a bomb hit it at the moment!
- Do the powerpoint for the presentation
- Do the DVD cover
- Do the voiceovers for the cutscene.
- Make sure everyone on track
So, yeah let me know if you're having issues. Has anyone heard back from Brendan.
So are we coming over here Sunday? I've pretty much cleared the whole weekend to work on stuff so we can work on stuff Sat/Sun day/nights. We can send Martin out for any supplies we need. Lemme know so I can tidy up the study. Properly looks like a bomb hit it at the moment!
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Fire Level update:
What I still need to do
For the Rural section of level:
- Insert items
- Insert baddies (rats/dogs all the minor ones)
- Insert and other characters
- Work out plot line (since thare are extra areas for Isis to explore..maybe a puzzel?)
For the city section:
pretty much the same but also I haven't finished the layout yet. Will get that done Friday.
Things to organise for Sunday:
- We need to decide on what level Isis will be on, and make a first version of her we can test things on. This should include all the spells/items/armour/weapons she will start off before entering the water level.
- Need to create all other usable/talking NP-characters (the guards and scout etc.. and other talking/engaging charaters)
- Maybe have some (really) rough updated maps if neccessary. Thinking it needs to be pretty detailed with the exact locations of items/ppl/groups...coz really..its easier to use than the toolset sometimes :)
Feel free to copy this and paste a new post to add stuff to the list. This way we should all have a good idea where everyone is at, what they need, and what others could help out with.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Story and extra plot needed.
Hi guys.
I'm still working on the level, and have now made it so Isis has access to 3 houses (one includes a shop with upstars locked spooky door..) and a mill (storage rooms which has a corpse with the skeleton key for the grave yard) and ofcourse theres a small mausoleum in the graveyard. The other three areas need to have some significance.
HouseA: small house.
HouseB: small house.
HouseC: has a shop area belwo and a locked door upstairs (with possible noises comnig from behind)
Mill: storage room, included zombie/corpe with the 'skeleton key' to grave yard.
Mausoleum: not sure yet?
Even if its something small. Like ganing an extra (specia)l item (unless she had to many of them) or even finding a book with a story in it, someones journal. Otherwise these rooms can be used for finding items... Just thought I'd see what you guys think might work.
I'm still working on the level, and have now made it so Isis has access to 3 houses (one includes a shop with upstars locked spooky door..) and a mill (storage rooms which has a corpse with the skeleton key for the grave yard) and ofcourse theres a small mausoleum in the graveyard. The other three areas need to have some significance.
HouseA: small house.
HouseB: small house.
HouseC: has a shop area belwo and a locked door upstairs (with possible noises comnig from behind)
Mill: storage room, included zombie/corpe with the 'skeleton key' to grave yard.
Mausoleum: not sure yet?
Even if its something small. Like ganing an extra (specia)l item (unless she had to many of them) or even finding a book with a story in it, someones journal. Otherwise these rooms can be used for finding items... Just thought I'd see what you guys think might work.
Friday, October 5, 2007
Characters in Fire level: plot sum & aims in dialogue
Plot: (Please use plot on prev blog as reference)
Isis enters World. she will reflect upon the desolated world while entering the ruins. This could be done with a recorded ‘soliloquy’ (“what happened here... I should be cautious… could this be the future of my world…blah?”)
Isis encounters a band of elves in the outer part of the city that live in a make shift style camp. Characters include:
Scout,Wiseman,Woman1,Woman2, man1,man2,man3,man4
They are naturally cautious of her and try to attack her if she approaches them first. A scout approaches her and conversation starts. They see that she carries a special item (amulet gained in a previous level) and immediately become friendly.
Note: If not friendly, info about the demon can still be found in the conversation: “...are you one of that’s demons
followers….go back to your master in the heart of this god forsaken hole…..” or what ever
If she doesn’t not have that item for what ever reason she will receive no help from them (e.g. not able to buy health potions/anti-poison potions off them and they will kick her out or what ever.)
This item they tell is something from there forefathers who came from a different world in search of a mystical element. They want to use this element to go home coz apparently they don’t like it here: P Plus getting this element away from the demon will help restore some sort of balance to the world and effect other worlds as well (hence all the bad stuff happening in the air/water/earth levels) Background is given about the element. About the demon who has it and where it is supposedly. (Update journal and map?)
it must become clear that by giving her master this element bad things might happen.
They are willing to help by offering you potions and lotions aso. However, if she has enough persuasive powers she will be able to get a more assistance = Isis will be given a choice of who to take with her into the heart of the city where the demon lives.
Band members: to be chosen from woman1-2,man1-4
graveyard (optional): more baddies to fight here. another chance to stock up or gain exprience.
When Isis reaches the second most outer layer of the city she will be ambushed by the demon’s personal cultists/followers/guards who by now what isis is after (spys?) After dialogue a rather intense battle will follow. Once defeated, she will obtain a special ‘key/pass’ to the inner city. (Journal update?) Isis will continue to make her way to the inner most part of the city fighting minor baddies. Once she reaches the final gate, she can use her ‘key’. Her helpers from here on will disperse... they are badly wounded and need medical attention... or are already dead :| Maybe some decided to help the wounded ??
CUT SCENE: Isis enters lair ??? maybe Bec/Vic??
Dialogue with demon followed with Battle
Demon uses fire element in battle. If Isis wins she will gain possession there of.
---------??options?? after fight with demon----------
1. She can choose to use teleport item to teleport herself back to the masters room
2. she can decide to go back to the elves and help them get home by giving it to the Wiseman…
3. or she can 'try' to keep it..
If she chooses to go back to the master she will have to do battle with him in her own world. As discussed before. Benefit of this action?
If she goes back to the elves the master will appear and stop her…final battle will still take place. Benefit of this action?
You have a slightly better chance now that you possess one element and can summon a kick ass dragon!
If she decides it’s to risky to give to master, and plans on running away, he will still appear, now that his weakness is overcome by the other elements. Benefit of this action? Same as previous however your courage and righteousness will be favorable with the gods...or what ever.
Characters in Fire level: aims in dialogue.
dialogue needed for:
Elves: Scout:
Approaches Isis = estabish mood, revealing quest to degrees are optional, one will lead to scout taking Isis to wiseman. If Isis attackes him = scout will condem her actions "...as bad as that foul demon...your quest will fail " etc.
Provides background info.Tells where demon lies. Gives new quest if amulet is in invetory = help send elves back home via power of element and amulet. When talking to wiseman about this he can be persuaded to give more assistance (depends on what choices are made) = choose from men/women for tag ons.
Woman1,Woman2, man1,man2,man3,man4:
Reflect whether elves are hostile or friendly. Also background info. If friendly = can sell potions anti poisons etc, if unfriendly = ??
graveyard: zombie skeletons
Demon Guard: Leader & fighters
Trying to stop gang. Informs demon knows you're here. Add what ever you think will fit.
Master: tie up story mostely
Isis enters World. she will reflect upon the desolated world while entering the ruins. This could be done with a recorded ‘soliloquy’ (“what happened here... I should be cautious… could this be the future of my world…blah?”)
Isis encounters a band of elves in the outer part of the city that live in a make shift style camp. Characters include:
Scout,Wiseman,Woman1,Woman2, man1,man2,man3,man4
They are naturally cautious of her and try to attack her if she approaches them first. A scout approaches her and conversation starts. They see that she carries a special item (amulet gained in a previous level) and immediately become friendly.
Note: If not friendly, info about the demon can still be found in the conversation: “...are you one of that’s demons
followers….go back to your master in the heart of this god forsaken hole…..” or what ever
If she doesn’t not have that item for what ever reason she will receive no help from them (e.g. not able to buy health potions/anti-poison potions off them and they will kick her out or what ever.)
This item they tell is something from there forefathers who came from a different world in search of a mystical element. They want to use this element to go home coz apparently they don’t like it here: P Plus getting this element away from the demon will help restore some sort of balance to the world and effect other worlds as well (hence all the bad stuff happening in the air/water/earth levels) Background is given about the element. About the demon who has it and where it is supposedly. (Update journal and map?)
it must become clear that by giving her master this element bad things might happen.
They are willing to help by offering you potions and lotions aso. However, if she has enough persuasive powers she will be able to get a more assistance = Isis will be given a choice of who to take with her into the heart of the city where the demon lives.
Band members: to be chosen from woman1-2,man1-4
graveyard (optional): more baddies to fight here. another chance to stock up or gain exprience.
When Isis reaches the second most outer layer of the city she will be ambushed by the demon’s personal cultists/followers/guards who by now what isis is after (spys?) After dialogue a rather intense battle will follow. Once defeated, she will obtain a special ‘key/pass’ to the inner city. (Journal update?) Isis will continue to make her way to the inner most part of the city fighting minor baddies. Once she reaches the final gate, she can use her ‘key’. Her helpers from here on will disperse... they are badly wounded and need medical attention... or are already dead :| Maybe some decided to help the wounded ??
CUT SCENE: Isis enters lair ??? maybe Bec/Vic??
Dialogue with demon followed with Battle
Demon uses fire element in battle. If Isis wins she will gain possession there of.
---------??options?? after fight with demon----------
1. She can choose to use teleport item to teleport herself back to the masters room
2. she can decide to go back to the elves and help them get home by giving it to the Wiseman…
3. or she can 'try' to keep it..
If she chooses to go back to the master she will have to do battle with him in her own world. As discussed before. Benefit of this action?
If she goes back to the elves the master will appear and stop her…final battle will still take place. Benefit of this action?
You have a slightly better chance now that you possess one element and can summon a kick ass dragon!
If she decides it’s to risky to give to master, and plans on running away, he will still appear, now that his weakness is overcome by the other elements. Benefit of this action? Same as previous however your courage and righteousness will be favorable with the gods...or what ever.
Characters in Fire level: aims in dialogue.
dialogue needed for:
Elves: Scout:
Approaches Isis = estabish mood, revealing quest to degrees are optional, one will lead to scout taking Isis to wiseman. If Isis attackes him = scout will condem her actions "...as bad as that foul demon...your quest will fail " etc.
Provides background info.Tells where demon lies. Gives new quest if amulet is in invetory = help send elves back home via power of element and amulet. When talking to wiseman about this he can be persuaded to give more assistance (depends on what choices are made) = choose from men/women for tag ons.
Woman1,Woman2, man1,man2,man3,man4:
Reflect whether elves are hostile or friendly. Also background info. If friendly = can sell potions anti poisons etc, if unfriendly = ??
graveyard: zombie skeletons
Demon Guard: Leader & fighters
Trying to stop gang. Informs demon knows you're here. Add what ever you think will fit.
Master: tie up story mostely
Thursday, October 4, 2007
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